Building Strong Digital Citizens: News and Media Literacy in the Classroom
Whether scrolling through social media or conducting research for term papers, students encounter a startlingly wide range of news and media daily. How can you set the stage in the classroom for your students to think critically about what they read, watch and hear online? What steps can you take to help students understand and analyze their information landscape, and how can you lay the foundation for responsible digital citizenship?
In this edWebinar, hear creative ideas, advice and solutions to these questions from some of the News Literacy Project’s NewsLit Nation ambassadors, educators who serve as community news literacy advocates. These educators will share how they engage students in classroom discussions and activities that develop critical news and media literacy skills such as identifying credible information, seeking out reliable sources, and understanding the role of a free press in a democracy.
Along with examples to use immediately in your classroom, you will also learn about the News Literacy Project’s free educator resources for integrating news literacy concepts into the classroom, including the NewsLit Nation educator resources and forum, the Checkology® virtual classroom, and the Sift newsletter.